Jean Monnet
The European Green Deal as a prospect of sustainable economic developmentThe project is aimed at spreading the principles of green policy through educational activities, research, public dialogue on current issues
of adaptation of the European green deal in the realities of Ukraine.
The project envisages such activities as:
- teaching the European green deal disciplines and standards of conscious consumption, European practices of corporate social responsibility, Management and marketing of green investments, Eco friendly startups, Green Human Resources Management, European sustainable tourism;
- development and placement of an on-line course on the electronic platform;
- organization of a summer school of eco-startups for creative youth;
- holding a roundtable discussion with the involvement of government and business representatives;
- research of topical aspects of implementation of the European Green Deal, holding of the international scientific-practical conference ‘Green Economy and Green Growth - Opportunities for Sustainable Development’;
- dissemination of pedagogical experience through workshops, trainings, master classes for educators under the general title ‘Green education: ways of implementation and effective learning tools’.
Approximate number of course participants, participants in educational and
research activities during the project 700 people.
Project products: textbook ‘The European green deal as a prospect of sustainable economic development’, collection of cases ‘European practices of environmental responsibility and conscious consumption, articles,
materials of the roundtable discussion and international conference, educational and methodological complexes.
Target groups:
Youth: students, representatives of youth organizations, schoolchildren, etc.;
Public associations: public organizations and unions;
Business: private entrepreneurs, enterprises, business associations, etc.;
Representatives of local authorities: government officials; representatives of the deputy corps.
As a result of the project implementation, the following benefit are expected for the target groups:
youth: the prospect of improving the ecological quality of life, stimulating economic development, increasing incomes, creating additional ‘green’ jobs;
business: introduction of new technologies, development of new sectors of the economy, new competitive opportunities;
public associations: formation of ecological worldview of citizens, propagation of knowledge about the state of the natural and cultural environment, experience and principles of activity on prevention of ecological crises;
representatives of local authorities: receiving support from the local community, opportunities for new forms of municipal, private and public cooperation, investment, mutually beneficial partnership at the international level.
The mission of the project ‘The European green deal as a perspective of
sustainable economic development’ is to spread the principles of green policy and EU priorities for green economic development through educational activities and research on this topic, public dialogue on current issues of European green deal adaptation in Ukraine, promoting environmental values. EU teachers, students, government and business representatives, the formation of their environmental thinking and understanding of the sustainability of economic processes in the modern European space.
Project goals:
- promoting the introduction of best practices in teaching, intellectual mobility in teaching and research, improving the quality of training with emphasis on the importance of respect for the environment, including the development of a detailed project implementation plan, development of methodological support for open online courses, lectures, seminars, cases, control works, handouts, schedule of the summer school of eco-startups, advertising of project activities among the general public and inviting members of the target group;
- dissemination of knowledge about European green deal and best practices in its implementation in the EU, in particular, legislation, environmental postulates, practices of leading EU companies in the green field (on the project) among teachers and students of educational programs of the University and its partners, students, government officials , other interested citizens, promoting their understanding and perception of EU environmental values and priorities by teaching an online course, organizing a summer school of eco-startups for schoolchildren, youth and other stakeholders, conducting seminars, trainings, workshops, disseminating conference materials, roundtable discussion, module on the site of DNU, in social networks
- оrganizing a public dialogue with government officials, the business community and the general public on improving EU-style green standards and the economic practice of implementing them to develop recommendations for implementing European green deal elements in practice in Ukraine through a Green Roundtable decisions as a priority of social responsibility of business ‘with the invitation of representatives of public authorities and other stakeholders;
- generalization of effective green practice of companies and the public, development of recommendations and creation of conditions for implementation in national practice of progressive elements of state regulation in the field of sustainable economic development on the model of the EU with the involvement of young scientists, teachers and researchers. the theme of the project with the publication of research results in scientific journals included in Scopus or Web of Science Core Collection, the publication of the textbook ‘The European green deal as a prospect of sustainable economic development’, a collection of cases ‘European practices of environmental responsibility and conscious consumption’ and the final scientific practical conference ‘Green Economy and Green Growth – Opportunities for Sustainable Development’;
- dissemination of pedagogical experience and dissemination of project results through workshops, trainings, master classes for educators under the general title ‘Green education: ways of implementation and effective learning tools’;
- improving the quality of education by modernizing the list of disciplines offered by the University for all specialties on project topics and diversifying EU relations with the University's curricula by updating educational programs, lists of elective disciplines and work programs of disciplines at the University taking into account disciplines and topics module with the publication of information materials on the results of the project and monitoring the quality of the educational process.
The expected result of the project is the assimilation of EU values by the wider community, the formation of environmental protection thinking and
understanding of the sustainability of economic processes.
Project Team
Olha Zinchenko, Professor of Marketing and International Management Department Doctor of Economic Sciences Member of the All Ukrainian public organization ‘Ukrainian Organization of International Economists’.Project manager. Tasks: team building, project presentation, work with
external contractors and partners, preparation of reporting documentation.
Teacher study. Tasks: Teaching the discipline in the chosen field,
participation in the publication of research materials.
Coordinator of works on preparation of the educational and methodical
complex of the module. Tasks: control over the timeliness and content of the module courses, coordination of work on the development and publication of a collection of cases ‘European practices of environmental responsibility and conscious consumption’.
Coordinator of work on conducting research on the subject of the
module. Tasks: formation of a research plan, control over its implementation
Coordinator of the international conference ‘Green Economy and Green Growth - Opportunities for Sustainable Development’. Tasks: development of the program of the event, involvement of partners, invitation of participants, solving issues related to technical and material support of the event. Responsible for the preparation and publication of conference materials.
Olha Pashchenko, Ph.D. Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of International economics and World Finance.
Teacher study. Teacher-coach. Tasks: Teaching the discipline in the chosen field, participation in the publication of research materials.
Coordinator-mentor. Tasks: Coordination of all parts of the summer school of startups, conducting master classes. Interaction with contractors.
Coordinator of work on the formation of electronic resources of the module and dissemination of information. Tasks: placement of course materials in the electronic repository of the university, creating a project page on the educational portal of DNU and on the social network Facebook, updating the content of pages, placement of advertising materials, information support of events.
Viktoriia Redko, Associate Professor of Tourism Business and Hospitality
Department, Ph.D. Economic Sciences, Corresponding
Member of the Public Association ‘Hospitality Industry Association of
Teacher study. Tasks: Teaching the discipline in the chosen field, participation in the publication of research materials.
Coordinator of the development and implementation of an online course for inclusive education ‘The European green deal as a prospect of sustainable economic development’.
Tasks: formation and placement of on-line course materials on the electronic platform Prometheus, monitoring and updating of educational content, dissemination of information about the course among the target audience, formation of course groups.
Coordinator of work on monitoring the quality of the educational process. Tasks: organizing and conducting a survey of students and teachers on quality assurance, presenting the results of the survey at meetings of the Bureau for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Educational Activities of the Faculty of Economics of DNU.
Vladyslav Iakovenko, Ph.D. Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management Department, Corresponding Member of Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine Leads Startup Ecosystem Dnipro.
Teacher study. Teacher-coach. Tasks: Teaching the discipline in the chosen field, participation in the publication of research materials.
Coordinator of the summer school of startups. Tasks: Creating a platform and conditions for the summer school of startups, agreeing on deadlines and coordination with all parts of the project.
Mira Hakova, Associate Professor of Marketing and International
Management Depar tment, Ph.D. Economic Sciences.
Teacher study. Tasks: Teaching the discipline in the chosen field, participation in the publication of research materials.
Coordinator of dissemination of pedagogical experience and dissemination of project results. Objectives: organization of workshops, trainings, master classes ‘Green education: ways of implementation and effective learning tools’ for teachers of higher education institutions.
Responsible for the formation and publication of the textbook ‘The European green deal as a prospect of sustainable economic development’.
Privarnikova Irina, Ph.D. Economic Sciences Associate Professor,
Marketing and International Management Department.
Teacher study. Tasks: Teaching the discipline in the chosen field, participation in the publication of research materials.
Coordinator of the preparation and holding of the round table ‘Green solutions as a priority of corporate social responsibility’. Tasks: formation and implementation of the action plan, invitation of participants, solving issues related to technical and material support of the event, preparation and publication of materials of the round table Responsible for conducting a stakeholder survey on the challenges and prospects of green education.