Educational and Methodical Center of Pre-University Training
Address: Dmytro Yavornitskiy Avenue, 35, building №4, auditorium 20, 22Phone: +38 (056) 766-49-53

Educational and Methodological Center of Pre-University Training (EMCPT) was founded by the decision of the Academic Council of DNU and in accordance with rector’s order in 2009 on the basis of the Faculty of Pre-University Training. The main goal of Center's activity is to promote the implementation of "National Doctrine of Education Development". The purpose is also to state policy aimed at principles development of continuity of education for young people, an organic combination of education and science, foundation of the optimal conditions for creative development of children personalities and young people.
EMCPT includes: Preparatory Сourses, Regional Educational and Methodological Center of Education Monitoring, Regional Center of Continuing Education "Prydniprovya".
People from the number of professionally oriented youth who, in the year of admission, graduated from their studies in the structural subdivisions of TMCPP can additionally receive 5% of the competitive score. It is possible in case of admission to university for studying in natural-mathematical or engineering-technical training direction on the basis of full general secondary education. Additional points are calculated if the amount of study hours of preparation for admission is not less than 150, and the training term is not less than 3 months.
The Management of the Center
Director of the Center is Volodymyr Katan, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics.
Preparatory Courses
Address: Dmytro Yavornytsky Avenue, 35, building. №4, auditorium 47
Phone: +38 (056) 766-49-53; (099) 554-28-78
E-mail: pk2022@i.ua
Director is Victor Grushka, Ph.D. in Geography, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical and Economic Geography.
Study at the course helps listeners to approach to demands directly, which are established by external independent testing (EIT), develops skills to operate knowledge in creative way, and gives an opportunity to convince in decision rightness of profession, form moral qualities of future students.
The main task of work of Preparatory courses is to help to prepare for external independent testing to graduates of educational institutions and graduates of previous years. Other assignments are gaining of necessary knowledge for successful mastering of program demands of DNU curriculum.
Trainings at Preparatory courses are held on all subjects of external independent testing (Mathematics, Physics, Ukrainian Language, Ukrainian Literature, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, English, History of Ukraine) and programs, which are approved by Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine.
Preparation to creative competition for admission to the Faculty of Systems and Means of Mass Communication in training direction "Journalism" is also conducted at Preparatory Courses.
Study at the course helps listeners to approach to demands directly, which are established by external independent testing (EIT), develops skills to operate knowledge in creative way, and gives an opportunity to convince in decision rightness of profession, form moral qualities of future students.
The main task of work of Preparatory courses is to help to prepare for external independent testing to graduates of educational institutions and graduates of previous years. Other assignments are gaining of necessary knowledge for successful mastering of program demands of DNU curriculum.
Trainings at Preparatory courses are held on all subjects of external independent testing (Mathematics, Physics, Ukrainian Language, Ukrainian Literature, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, English, History of Ukraine) and programs, which are approved by Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine.
Preparation to creative competition for admission to the Faculty of Systems and Means of Mass Communication in training direction "Journalism" is also conducted at Preparatory Courses.
Regional Training and Methodical Center of Education Monitoring (RTMCEM)
Address: Kazakova Street, 18, building №14, auditorium 110
E-mail: rcmo-mmf@i.ua
Web-site: www.rcmo.dnu.dp.ua
Director is Tetyana Balashova.
Training and Methodological Center of Pre-University Preparation (TMCPP) of Oles Honchar DNU is in the structure of Regional Educational and Methodological Center of Education Monitoring.
Study term is 7 months (from October to April inclusively). Classes are conducted per a week.
1. Small University
Teachers of Small University provide the study for pupils from the 6th class to the 11th one in the following subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History of Ukraine, Geography, Ukrainian Language, Ukrainian Literature, English. Small University gives an opportunity to attend demonstrative classes on Japan and Chinese Languages free. Pupils are provided with methodological literature, training exercises, tests.
2. Study Bases
University concludes an agreement with general-education establishment, which receives status of Training Base of Regional Training and Methodical Center of Education Monitoring (RTMCEM) of TMCPP of DNU. At training base optional course is organized. Its work is under the leadership and is provided with methodological materials of RTMCEM. Lectures and seminars for pupils of Study Bases are conducted at these educational establishments with involvement of university teachers and teachers of general-education establishments. Study is provided by curriculums and programs, developed by the Center and coordinated with Study Base.
Term of study at Study Bases is 7 months.
3. Current Monitoring of Knowledge Level
Current monitoring of knowledge level is conducted for pupils from the 6th to the 11th class in subjects of general secondary school. It is provided at the base of RTMCEM as the groups are formed and at the base of secondary school after conclusion of the treaty.
4. Adaptive Courses
Adaptive courses in Mathematics, Chemistry and Drawing for university students of the first course are founded in order to correct students’ knowledge in connection with implementation of Bologna Process in high education system. Since 2010 intake of four-course students for preparation to entrance examination in specialty has been conducted on the base of Adaptive Course. The exams are conducted in foreign language for study in educational qualification level of Master.
5. Preparation to the Creative Competition
Preparation for creative competition for admission to the Faculty of Systems and Means of Mass Communication in training direction “Journalism” is also important.
Regional Center of Continuous Education “Prydniprovya”
E-mail: pridneprovie@i.ua
Facebook Page: В помощь абитуриенту ДНУ
The main goal of functioning of Regional Center of Continuous Education “Prydniprovya” (RCCE “Prydniprovya”) is improvement of fulfillment of general tasks and functions, which are connected with continued preparation of high qualified specialists. The object is also implementation of organizational and methodical and professionally oriented work of pre-university study among pupils of general educational and special educational establishments, organization of Olympics conducting, testing and current monitoring of knowledge level of students of educational establishments of the Center.
Work of the center has pro-oriented character:
• Analysis of admission results to DNU of students of educational establishments of RCCE “Prydniprovya”;
• Organization of holding of Directors Council of educational establishments of RCCE “Prydniprovya” with an objective of pro-oriented work, search of new cooperation forms and providing functioning of chain “secondary school-university”;
• Work on organization and results analysis of attestation examination and testing;
• DNU cooperation with Management of education and science of Dnipro Government Administration, concerning professionally oriented work with village youth.
• Participation in organization of event “Days of Opened Doors”
• Conducting of social survey of pupils of establishments of RCCE “Prydniprovya”, concerning the wish of admission to DNU for correction of professionally oriented activity of the university.
• Meetings organization of leaders of faculties and departments heads of DNU with pupils of the 10th and the 11th classes and their parents.