Faculty of Economics
35, D.Yavornitskiy avenueDNU facility №5
Phone/fax of dean’s office: +38 (056) 766-49-37, +38 (056) 766-49-45
E-mail: decanat@ef.dnu.edu.ua
Web: http://econom-faculty.dp.ua/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/econom_dnu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/econom.dnu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/econom.dnu

Faculty Background
Faculty of Economics at the Dnipropetrovsk State University was established in 1976. Formation and development of the department was accompanied by the reorganization of the existing and opening new chairs. Therefore in 1981 the Chair of Economic Cybernetics in 1989 – the Department of Finance were opened. Nowadays there are 8 chairs and about 120 employees, including 18 doctors and professors PhD degree and 63 lecturers have academic rank of assistant professor.
Faculty members were awarded with honorary titles: Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine – Professor Grynko Tetyana; Award of Excellence in Education of Ukraine – Professors Shevtsova O.Y. and Yakovenko O.G.; Honored Professor of the Dnipro University – Professors Zelenskaya L.I. and Popkova L.V.; Honored Lecturer of the Dnipro University – Associate Professors Kartsev Yu.A. and Krytska S.S.; Honored Worker of Dnipro University – Shuvaeva, T.O.
More than a thousand students study at the Faculty of Economics. Technical base of Faculty allows staff to organize profound computer training, computer labs of the Faculty provide access to the Internet. In the building of Faculty of Economics there is library for economists. Among the graduates of the Faculty of Economics there are many leaders of the banking sector and enterprises, government financial agencies, prominent scientists.
Management of the Faculty
Dean of the Faculty – Tetyana Grynko, Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, the member of the Academy of Economic Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
Dean’s assistant of academic work – Tetiana Hviniashvili, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of academic work – Polina Sokol, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of scientific work – Roman Pavlov, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of international cooperation – Viacheslav Slyvenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of the organizational and educational work – Andrii Kobchenko, senior lecturer.
Dean’s assistant of the organizational, methodological and documentary support of labor protection, fire safety and civil defense - Vladislav Yakovenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of the organizational, methodological and documentary support of Websites - Olga Pashchenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Responsible for organizational, methodical and documentary support of career guidance work, establishment of communications with institutions of general secondary and professional technical education at the faculty - Serhiy Adonin, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Responsible for the organizational, methodical and documentary support of career guidance work, Open Days and conducting an admissions campaign for the recruitment of applicants to the Faculty of Economics - Vyacheslav Makedon, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
Responsible for the organizational support of all computer laboratories at the Faculty of Economics - Alla Dudnik, Head of the Training Laboratory "Mathematical Methods in Economics".
Responsible for the organizational, methodological and documentary support and implementation of research work by students; of the functioning, replenishment and storage of exhibits and materials of the Cabinet of Scientific Achievements of the Faculty of Economics - Ilona Semencha, Doctor of Economic Science, Professor.
Responsible for the attestation of students of the first (Bachelor) and second (Master) level of higher education, PhD, accreditation, scheduling of certification and licensing - Natalia Krasnikova, Ph.D, Associate Professor.
Responsible for the coordination of educational flows and organization of curricula and working curricula - Julia Stasiuk, senior lecturer.
Responsible for the organizational and technical support of the participants of the educational process in Office365, Microsoft Teams and for the technical support of faculty online events - Vasyl Belozertsev, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.
Dean’s assistant of academic work – Tetiana Hviniashvili, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of academic work – Polina Sokol, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of scientific work – Roman Pavlov, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of international cooperation – Viacheslav Slyvenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of the organizational and educational work – Andrii Kobchenko, senior lecturer.
Dean’s assistant of the organizational, methodological and documentary support of labor protection, fire safety and civil defense - Vladislav Yakovenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Dean’s assistant of the organizational, methodological and documentary support of Websites - Olga Pashchenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Responsible for organizational, methodical and documentary support of career guidance work, establishment of communications with institutions of general secondary and professional technical education at the faculty - Serhiy Adonin, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Responsible for the organizational, methodical and documentary support of career guidance work, Open Days and conducting an admissions campaign for the recruitment of applicants to the Faculty of Economics - Vyacheslav Makedon, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
Responsible for the organizational support of all computer laboratories at the Faculty of Economics - Alla Dudnik, Head of the Training Laboratory "Mathematical Methods in Economics".
Responsible for the organizational, methodological and documentary support and implementation of research work by students; of the functioning, replenishment and storage of exhibits and materials of the Cabinet of Scientific Achievements of the Faculty of Economics - Ilona Semencha, Doctor of Economic Science, Professor.
Responsible for the attestation of students of the first (Bachelor) and second (Master) level of higher education, PhD, accreditation, scheduling of certification and licensing - Natalia Krasnikova, Ph.D, Associate Professor.
Responsible for the coordination of educational flows and organization of curricula and working curricula - Julia Stasiuk, senior lecturer.
Responsible for the organizational and technical support of the participants of the educational process in Office365, Microsoft Teams and for the technical support of faculty online events - Vasyl Belozertsev, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.
Subdivisions of the Faculty
- Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management
- Department of Statistics, Accounting and Economic Informatics
- Department of International Economics and World Finances
- Department of Tourism Business and Hospitality
- Department of Marketing and International Management
Faculty of Economics provides training in two levels of higher education: Bachelor and Master in full-time, part-time and distance study.
Educational qualification of Bachelor in the following specialties:
- 051 Economics (educational programs: «Digital and Information Economy», "Economic Cybernetics" and "Business Analytics");
- 071 Accounting and Taxation (educational programs: "Accounting and Taxation", «Business Consulting»);
- 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market (educational program "Finance, Banking and Insurance");
- 073 Management (educational program "International Management");
- 075 Marketing (educational program "Marketing");
- 076 Entrepreneurship and Trade (educational programs "Enterprise Economics and Business Management");
- 241 Hotel and restaurant business (educational program "Hotel and Restaurant business");
- 242 Tourism and recreation (educational program: "International Tourism");
- 292 International Economic Relations (educational program "International Economics").
Educational qualification of Master in the following specialties:
- 051 Economics (educational programs: "Economic Cybernetics", "Business Analytics and Information Security");
- 071 Accounting and Taxation (educational program "Accounting and Taxation");
- 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market (educational programs: " Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market");
- 073 Management (educational programs: "International Management", "Business Administration");
- 075 Marketing (educational program "Marketing");
- 076 Entrepreneurship and Trade (educational program "Business Economics");
- 242 Tourism and recreation (educational program "International Tourism Business");
- 292 International Economic Relations (educational program "International Economics").
Educational qualification of Bachelor in the following specialties:
- 051 Economics (educational programs: «Digital and Information Economy», "Economic Cybernetics" and "Business Analytics");
- 071 Accounting and Taxation (educational programs: "Accounting and Taxation", «Business Consulting»);
- 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market (educational program "Finance, Banking and Insurance");
- 073 Management (educational program "International Management");
- 075 Marketing (educational program "Marketing");
- 076 Entrepreneurship and Trade (educational programs "Enterprise Economics and Business Management");
- 241 Hotel and restaurant business (educational program "Hotel and Restaurant business");
- 242 Tourism and recreation (educational program: "International Tourism");
- 292 International Economic Relations (educational program "International Economics").
Educational qualification of Master in the following specialties:
- 051 Economics (educational programs: "Economic Cybernetics", "Business Analytics and Information Security");
- 071 Accounting and Taxation (educational program "Accounting and Taxation");
- 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market (educational programs: " Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock market");
- 073 Management (educational programs: "International Management", "Business Administration");
- 075 Marketing (educational program "Marketing");
- 076 Entrepreneurship and Trade (educational program "Business Economics");
- 242 Tourism and recreation (educational program "International Tourism Business");
- 292 International Economic Relations (educational program "International Economics").
Scientific and Technical Activities
Faculty of Economics provides training at the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education in the following specialties:
- 051 Economics;
- 072 Finance, banking and insurance;
- 073 Management;
- 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities.
- 051 Economics;
- 072 Finance, banking and insurance;
- 073 Management;
- 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities.

Departments of the Faculty of Economics maintain research links with the leading higher educational institutions and research institutions of Ukraine, enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership; constantly organizes national and international conferences.
Employees of the Faculty of Economics are constantly working on the preparation and publication of scientific and educational literature: monographs, scientific articles, abstracts, textbooks and more.
Scientific faculties are constantly operating at the Faculty of Economics and since 2019 the StartupEcosystemDnipro school of startups has been operating.
The faculty publishes the scientific journal European Journal of Management Issues. Website of the magazine: https://mi-dnu.dp.ua.
Employees of the Faculty of Economics are constantly working on the preparation and publication of scientific and educational literature: monographs, scientific articles, abstracts, textbooks and more.
Scientific faculties are constantly operating at the Faculty of Economics and since 2019 the StartupEcosystemDnipro school of startups has been operating.
The faculty publishes the scientific journal European Journal of Management Issues. Website of the magazine: https://mi-dnu.dp.ua.
International contacts
Applicants for higher education at the Faculty of Economics in accordance with the "Academic Mobility Regulation of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Students" have the opportunity to study at various programmes at universities in Europe (Belgium, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Greece, Germany, Poland, France), the United States and Canada. They also have the opportunity to participate in the EU-funded ERASMUS MUNDUS-BMU-MID International Academic Exchange Programme, which provides two-semester study and internships with a scholarship at one of nine Western European partner universities: University of Algarve (Portugal), Humboldt University Berlin (Germany), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Bordeaux 1 (France), University of Deusto (Spain), Pultusk Academy of Humanities (Poland), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Turku (Finland), Vilnius University (Lithuania).
Students and faculty members of the faculty of economics are participating in the Fulbright United States Scientific Exchange Programme, which is fully funded by the Fulbright Commission. The programme provides training and internships for scholarships and grants at one of the partner universities of the US project. Studying at German universities is possible through the DAAD Academic Exchange Programme.
Students have an opportunity to participate in international projects on the basis of competitive selection by a specific academic programme or under existing agreements on cooperation and scientific exchange between universities: Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (Ingolstadt, Germany), University of Applied Sciences (Mittweida, Germany) Deusto University (Bilbao, Spain), Le Mans University (Le Mans, France), Lodz University (Lodz, Poland), Wroclaw University (Wroclaw, Poland), Poznan University of Economics (m. Poznan, Poland a), Higher School of Occupational Safety Management (Katowice, Poland) University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" (Burgas, Bulgaria). The graduates will receive a European sample diploma and an ECT certificate along with the national diploma.
It should be noted that double diploma programmes with the University of Applied Sciences in Mittweid (Germany) and the Higher School of Occupational Safety Management in Katowice (Poland) are particularly popular. More than 100 students of the Faculty have already used the opportunities of international programmes. Graduates of the programme now work in prestigious and responsible positions both in Ukraine and abroad, in particular in companies such as: Robert Bosch GmbH, Bio Rad Laboratories, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Westlake Chemical Corporation, Renault Group, Daimler Real Estate and others.
The students of the Faculty of Economics take part in the Summer and Winter Schools of Economics: Winter Oriental School of the College of Eastern Europe in Wroclaw and Eastern Europe Studies of Warsaw University; summer school "Cohesion and Socio-Economic Tensions in the Process of International Integration" at the University of Lodz; Colleges of Europe (Bruges, Belgium). They also have the opportunity to participate in student conferences, meetings and forums held on the basis of Czestochowa Polytechnic (Czestochowa, Poland), Wroclaw University (Wroclaw, Poland), Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" (Burgas, Bulgaria).
An important step in the Faculty international activity is holding the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Management: Prospects for Integration and Innovative Development" with the participation of scientists from the European Union.
Students and faculty members are involved in organizing and conducting joint events for the development of international partnership within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University and the Dnipropetrovsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In order to increase the level of students education in the tourism sphere, the Faculty cooperates with the Study Group campaign on the students' practical training at leading enterprises of the tourism business in Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, Poland, Turkey, France and the Czech Republic.
In February 2020, a team of students from the faculty successfully passed the first stage of the international student research competition on investment research of CFA Institute in Ukraine and became one of 12 finalists.
Faculty students undergo internships in hotels and restaurants in Italy as part of the Euroest 2021 project funded by the U.C.M. Italy and its partners. The project provides an opportunity to obtain an international certificate from the Italian culinary school "UCM" Italy (Foggia, Italy).
Student's Life
The student council actively works at the Faculty. Students take part in work of the cultural club "Visiting Rector", which holds interesting meetings with well-known masters of the stage of Dnipro theaters: directors, actors, singers. The meeting is headed by Mykola Polakov, the rector of Oles Honchar DNU.
Students actively participate in charity events: they collect money for ill children, donate blood, take care of orphans, visit children's house № 1, children's shelter "Nadia" on the residential area "Pobeda", "House of little child", a family-type house on Rodhospna street. Students give sweets, toys, clothes to children, organize concerts, competitions for St. Nicholas Day, Children's Day, New Year holidays.
Student's Day and Freshman's Day, as well as Days of banker, accountant, economist, cybernetics, marketer, statistician, financier are organized by Departments of the Faculty. There students prepare programs and speak with teachers. Solemn concerts for New Year, Women’s Day, sport and tourism competitions for Victory Day, various quests, scientific student groups, excursions to enterprises and sights of Ukraine were traditional in university.
The Day of Economics Faculty is celebrated in April. Students decorate their buildings; hold competitions at Student Palace as part of an entertaining program, completely composed by students, invite friends and teachers of the Faculty.
There is student radio on the Faculty, the programs for which the students prepare themselves and themes are determined by them. They are devoted to festive events, or actual problems of student life. Radio programs contain music, interviews, important messages, and interesting information. The surveys are held by students themselves on the initiative and forces of Faculty Student Council (for instance, "What is needed to make the student's life better" and others). The participants of KVN Faculty team of "Golden Reserve" successfully perform at the interuniversity festival of KVN teams "KaVuN" of Dnipro League and other leagues of Ukraine.
The student's group of the Faculty has close ties with student councils of higher educational institutions of Lviv, Odessa and other cities. They organize interesting trips throughout Ukraine to Sofiyivsky park in Uman city, to Odessa on the 1st of April, the holiday of humor, to the Carpathians.
Students take part in sport competitions on Cup of Trade Union Committee among dormitories in order to organize meaningful leisure and establish healthy lifestyle.
Twice a year (in September and May) a football championship is organized at the Faculty by students themselves. Students of academic groups, streams, foreigners are combined in teams. Their number reaches 15 students. Students visit and assist veterans-teachers of the Faculty. The management of the Faculty and the curators cooperate closely with student council, coordinate their actions, which makes them more effective.
The room is set up at the Faculty for student council. There meetings, rehearsals are held. It is also used as premises for rehearsals of the music group.
Students of the Faculty take part in the organization of scientific conferences, competitions among high schools of Ukraine. These events are conducted by profile chairs, regional Olympiads of students in economics. Students organize entertaining programs for events participants (acquaintance with the Faculty, city tours, concerts).
Students actively participate in charity events: they collect money for ill children, donate blood, take care of orphans, visit children's house № 1, children's shelter "Nadia" on the residential area "Pobeda", "House of little child", a family-type house on Rodhospna street. Students give sweets, toys, clothes to children, organize concerts, competitions for St. Nicholas Day, Children's Day, New Year holidays.
Student's Day and Freshman's Day, as well as Days of banker, accountant, economist, cybernetics, marketer, statistician, financier are organized by Departments of the Faculty. There students prepare programs and speak with teachers. Solemn concerts for New Year, Women’s Day, sport and tourism competitions for Victory Day, various quests, scientific student groups, excursions to enterprises and sights of Ukraine were traditional in university.
The Day of Economics Faculty is celebrated in April. Students decorate their buildings; hold competitions at Student Palace as part of an entertaining program, completely composed by students, invite friends and teachers of the Faculty.
There is student radio on the Faculty, the programs for which the students prepare themselves and themes are determined by them. They are devoted to festive events, or actual problems of student life. Radio programs contain music, interviews, important messages, and interesting information. The surveys are held by students themselves on the initiative and forces of Faculty Student Council (for instance, "What is needed to make the student's life better" and others). The participants of KVN Faculty team of "Golden Reserve" successfully perform at the interuniversity festival of KVN teams "KaVuN" of Dnipro League and other leagues of Ukraine.
The student's group of the Faculty has close ties with student councils of higher educational institutions of Lviv, Odessa and other cities. They organize interesting trips throughout Ukraine to Sofiyivsky park in Uman city, to Odessa on the 1st of April, the holiday of humor, to the Carpathians.
Students take part in sport competitions on Cup of Trade Union Committee among dormitories in order to organize meaningful leisure and establish healthy lifestyle.
Twice a year (in September and May) a football championship is organized at the Faculty by students themselves. Students of academic groups, streams, foreigners are combined in teams. Their number reaches 15 students. Students visit and assist veterans-teachers of the Faculty. The management of the Faculty and the curators cooperate closely with student council, coordinate their actions, which makes them more effective.
The room is set up at the Faculty for student council. There meetings, rehearsals are held. It is also used as premises for rehearsals of the music group.
Students of the Faculty take part in the organization of scientific conferences, competitions among high schools of Ukraine. These events are conducted by profile chairs, regional Olympiads of students in economics. Students organize entertaining programs for events participants (acquaintance with the Faculty, city tours, concerts).