International Projects And Programs
Acting Vice-Rector for International Relations: Viktor Gasso,Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Phone: (056) 374-98-30; E-mail: viktor.gasso@gmail.com
The main objectives of the department:
• involvement of the university in the implementation of international projects;
• facilitating the involvement of respective structural units of the university in the implementation of joint research activities with foreign partners;
• coordination of the procedures of the European Union's programs including Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, COST, European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), etc.
Participation in international consortia
- At the beginning of September 2022, Dnipro University joined the Eastern Partnership Cluster, created at the initiative of Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic). On October 19, 2022, the rectors of the Cluster (EaPUC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Prague. The Eastern Partnership University Cluster (EaPUC) is a community of 12 universities from the EU and associated countries of the Eastern Partnership: Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. The members of the unique cluster include: Charles University; Heidelberg and Cologne Universities; Etwes Lorraine University; University of Warsaw; University of Milan; Moldova State University and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Ukraine is represented in the EaPUC by four universities: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, and Uzhhorod National University. It is intended to support research projects, create joint courses or double degree programs, and develop cooperation in the field of academic mobility between EaPUC institutions. To manage virtual funding, EaPUC members have signed a charter governed by the law of the Czech Republic.
- In June 2023, DNU was included in the Foundation of European Universities, which aims to accelerate the modernization of the European educational area and promote social equality in higher education. The consortium, in addition to DNU, includes 18 higher education institutions: University of Vienna (Austria), University of Ghent (Belgium), University of Zurich (Switzerland), Charles University (Czech Republic), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), Philipps University of Marburg (Germany), University of Alcalá (Spain), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Eastern Finland (Finland), University of Paris-Saclay (France), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Loránd Eötvös University of Budapest (Hungary), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Frederick II University of Naples (Italy), University of Latvia (Latvia), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), University of Warsaw (Poland), University of Porto (Portugal).
EU Erasmus+ programs
- In 2023, the Department of English Language for Non-Philological Specialties of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Art began implementing a grant agreement from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) under the Erasmus+ project “Modernization of University Education Programs in Foreign Languages by Integrating Information Technologies” (DigiFLEd). The participants of the grant agreement will implement the following goals and objectives of the project: eliminating mismatches between labor market requirements and the supply of higher education institutions; providing foreign language teachers with the necessary training in information and communication technologies; cooperation between partner universities and strengthening academic links between higher education institutions, schools, and other stakeholders.
DNU will cooperate with the project coordinator – Tampere University (Finland), National University of Ireland Maynooth, University of Western Macedonia (Greece) and six partner universities in Ukraine: the national coordinator – V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University, Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages.

Currently, the following projects are being implemented under the European Union's Erasmus+ program in the field of education, training, youth and sports under the Jean Monnet program:
- In 2022, a team of specialists from the Faculty of Economics won a grant to implement the project "European Green Deal as a Prospect for Sustainable Economic Development". The team consists of Olha Zinchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Management, and PhDs in Economics, Associate Professors of the Faculty Iryna Pryvarnikova, Viktoriia Redko, Mira Hakova, Olha Pashchenko, and Vladyslav Yakovenko. The project is aimed at disseminating the principles of green policy and priorities for green economic development of the European Union through educational activities and research, organizing a public dialogue on the current problems of adapting the European Green Deal to the realities of Ukraine.
- In 2023, the team of the Department of World History won a grant to implement the project "European Multiculturalism as an Experience and a Path to Ukraine's European Integration" for three years. The team leader is Associate Professor Albert Wenger, Head of the Department of World History. Its members are Dmytro Archireiskyi, Acting Dean of the School of History, Professor Natalia Wenger, Associate Professors Olha Kakovkina, Valeriia Lavrenko, and Olena Khodchenko. The project aims to promote the recognition of multiculturalism by Ukrainian society and the government as a key to Ukraine's successful development and European integration.
Horizon 2020 program
In December 2022, the DNU project "Development of theoretical foundations for the creation of ultralight launch vehicles from polymeric materials" received financial support in the amount of UAH 2 million 100 thousand from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation.
The project team includes scientists from the Faculties of Physics and Technology and Mechanics and Mathematics, the Research Institute of Energy Efficient Technologies and Materials Science of DNU and the Institute of Technical Mechanics of NASU and SCAU. Among the experts of DNU there are Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Mykola Dron, Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Andrii Dreus, Doctor of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Serhii Alekseienko, Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Vitalii Yemets, Senior Researcher of the Research Institute Liudmyla Dubovyk and others.
Within the Erasmus+ KA1 program, DNU actively implements academic mobility with 6 European universities, namely:
- Wroclaw University (Poland) - all fields of study;
- University of Cordoba (Spain) - all fields of study;
- University of Paris-Saclay (France) - natural and technical sciences;
- University of Rome Sapienza (Italy) - all fields of study;
- University of Bordeaux III (France) - humanities;
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) - all fields of study.
Students of all DNU specialties also join international mobility programs, such as Mitacs (Canada) and Global UGRAD (USA), and DNU teachers have repeatedly become Fulbright and US Embassy scholarship holders.