Presentation of the CLUST SPACE DNIPRO Smart Shelter at DNU
An online presentation of the CLUST SPACE DNIPRO smart shelter was held for students and staff of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.

The innovative shelter being built for the DNU community in Building 1 is the second project in Ukraine by the Kyiv-based venture developer CLUST. The renovation and arrangement of modern multifunctional shelters for students at Ukrainian higher education institutions is a charitable initiative of the founder of CLUST, investor and entrepreneur Ruslan Tymofeev, and his team as part of the corporate social responsibility of business.
The premiere online meeting “CLUST SPACE DNIPRO. Introduction” with representatives of DNU was held by the project management team. The speakers were: Olesia Zorina, CMO of CLUST; Anastasia Voitkevych, CLUST SPACE Project Manager; and Pavlo Pecker, Chief Architect.
Kyiv colleagues told how the unique CLUST SPACE project was born, what its mission and goals are, and what the modernized smart shelter in Dnipro will look like.

At the beginning of the full-scale war, after some charitable activities, the company's management began to think about how CLUST could be systematically useful and helpful for the society.
- It became clear to us that we wanted to engage in charity in a structured way, in particular, to support and develop the education sector. Then we came up with the idea of building shelters in Ukrainian universities. But not just shelters, but innovative multifunctional and creative spaces for students, where our young talents would feel safe and comfortable, so that they would want to stay and develop in their home country.
This is how CLUST SPACE was born, a conceptual project that aims not only to guarantee the safety, continuity, and comfort of the educational process during the war, but also to become a convenient platform for the implementation of various educational events (lectures, presentations, conferences, hackathons), communication between young people and business (building professional relationships), etc.
“Our charitable project is aimed at creating the future of Ukraine by investing in students who will become the drivers of our economy tomorrow. We strive to create decent conditions for young people so that they do not seek a better life abroad. After all, investing in young people is investing in the future of Ukraine,” said Anastasia Voitkevych, CLUST SPACE project manager.

To do this, the project initiators propose to create a modern security solution to build a comfortable shelter and coworking space where students and teachers can continue to study, work, and communicate effectively even during air raids.

The first such idea was successfully implemented in January 2024 in Kyiv. After the successful launch of the first shelter in the capital, the company's managers decided to scale the project and focus their efforts on regions close to the war zone, as this is where the need for safe educational spaces is most urgent. Accordingly, Dnipro was chosen as the next location, as the city that has received a large number of IDPs from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, and Zaporizhzhia regions.
For modernization under the CLUST SPACE DNIPRO project, an existing shelter on the 1st floor of the main building of DNU, certified by the SES, was chosen. It will be a modern multifunctional space that can be transformed to meet different needs at a given time. Designed on the principle of a construction set, the new location will harmoniously combine the options of a reliable shelter and high-tech coworking.
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