Department of Ukrainian Literature
Gagarin ave, 72, building 1, room 914Phone: +38 (056) 374-98-72
E-mail: kafedra_uul@i.ua, ul@dnulive.dp.ua
The Head of Department of Ukrainian Literature is Oliynyk Nataliya Petrivna, Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor, Distinguished Educator of Ukraine, Honored Educator of Ukraine.
Teaching staff led by Head of Department of Ukrainian Literature that provide training:
Goniuk Oleksandra Valeriivna, Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor
Kropyvko Irine Valentinovna, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor
Shaf Olga Voltivna, Doctor of Science (Philology), Professor
Nechiporenko Svitlana Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor
Kornilova Kateryna Oleksandrivna, Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor
Kedych Tetyana Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor
Taranenko Alona Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor
Pasko Iryna Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor
The Department of Ukrainian Literature provides the teaching of bachelors in Philology (Ukrainian Language and Literature),
014.01 – Secondary Education (Ukrainian Language and Literature) with the further access to Master’s study program of Ukrainian Language and Literature
(035.01 – Phillology). Post-graduate studies in speciality
10.01.01 “Ukrainian Literature” are available at the Department.
List of major and elective subjects of the Department: “Folklore”, “Introduction to Literary Criticism”, “Rhetoric”, “History of Ukrainian Literature”, “Aesthetics of Literary Creative Activity“, “Aesthetic Fundamentals of Ukrainian Literature of the 60s”, “History of Ukrainian Culture” , “History of Ukrainian Literary Criticism”, “Literature for Children”, “Methods of Teaching Ukrainian Literature”, “History of Ukrainian Postmodernism”, “History of Ukrainian Criticism”, “Aesthetics”, “Practical Course in Methods of Teaching Ukrainian Literature”, “Theory of Literature”, “Poetics of the Contemporary Novel”, “Historical Fiction in Ukraine: Formation and Development”, “Ukrainian Literature Abroad”, “Psychologism in Ukrainian
Literature of late 20th – early 21th Century” and others.
Future specialists – graduates of the Department – are methodologists and teachers of secondary schools, lycees, gymnasiums, colleges, technical colleges, and translators at enterprises, employees in state institutions, librarians, heads of departments of culture, editors of newspapers and magazines, journalists, writers and TV presenters, PR-managers, tour guides, etc.
Various aspects of poetics of literary text, starting with folklore traditions and ending with the analysis of postmodern works, are of prior importance for the scientific work of the teaching staff of the Departmnet. The teaching staff of the Department use the topical methodology, exploring a variety of poetological fields of Ukrainian Literature.
In 2022 a new research theme of the Department – “Poetics of the literary text: aesthetics of diversity” was approved.
Department of Ukrainian Literature is a center of study of the creative heritage of Oles Honchar, Pavlo Zagrebelniy, Valerian Pidmohylnyi. Discussions of scholars of different national schools and foreign researchers on the poetics of their works are conducted in the form of national conferences, traditional literary readings, publications of studies in journals of various levels from international to university.
Various aspects of poetics of literary text, starting with folklore traditions and ending with the analysis of postmodern works, are of prior importance for the scientific work of the teaching staff of the Departmnet. The teaching staff of the Department use the topical methodology, exploring a variety of poetological fields of Ukrainian Literature.
In 2022 a new research theme of the Department – “Poetics of the literary text: aesthetics of diversity” was approved.
Department of Ukrainian Literature is a center of study of the creative heritage of Oles Honchar, Pavlo Zagrebelniy, Valerian Pidmohylnyi. Discussions of scholars of different national schools and foreign researchers on the poetics of their works are conducted in the form of national conferences, traditional literary readings, publications of studies in journals of various levels from international to university.

Literary readings "Brigantine of the Fate of Oles Honchar"
From 2001 (until 2020 inclusive) the Department of Ukrainian Literature published a professional collection of scientific papers “Tainy Khudozhnoho Tekstu”, (“Mysteries of Literary Text”) (research editor N. I. Zavertaliuk, Professor). The annual students’ collection of scientific research “Literary Studies” (executive editor N. Oliinyk, Associate Professor) is published annually.
The teaching staff, young professionals, graduate students actively participate in international conferences, symposia, seminars in Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Poland and other countries.
Students work not only on writing term papers, Bachelor’s theses, Master’s theses, but also actively participate in national conferences, competitions, olympiads. They often become prize winners, and get scholarships.
The teaching staff devotes special attention to students’ meetings with famous scholars, cultural figures, and modern writers – from classical authors to beginners. Yu. Andrukhovych, Yu. Vynnychuk, G. Huseinov, V. Danylenko, L. Deresh, S. Zhadan, Kapranovs brothers, Yu. Kovaliv, A. Kokotiukha, Ye. Kononenko, A. Kurkov, V. Lutsenko, Anna Malihon, I. Malkovych, Maria Matios, Lesia Mudrak, M. Naienko, D. Pavlychko, S. Protsiuk, M. Slaboshpytskyi, Lesia Stepovychka and others have been the guests of students of Philology.

Meeting with the outstanding Ukrainian writer Maria Matios
Popular Ukrainian writer Sergiy Zhadan presents a new book "Mesopotamia"
The teaching staff of the Department head the students’ societies which have united talented students and those sharing their views for many years. These are the theater troupe “Vidlunnia” (“Echo”) (leader O. V. Goniuk, Associate Professor), the students’ society “Mystetski Orbity” (“Art Orbits”) (leader S. V. Nechіporenko, Associate Professor).
In September 2019, the problem group “Scenario adaptation of lyrical and epic works” (leader I. V. Pasko, Associate Professor) was created.