Department of Ukrainian Language
ПІБ Surname\Name | Посада Position | Вчене звання Academic Status | Науковий ступінь Scientific degree | Google Scholar | Scopus Author ID | Web of Science Researcher ID | Researchgate ID | ORCID ID |
Korolova Valeriia Volodymyrivna | the Head of the Department of the Ukrainian Language |
Professor | PhD in Philology | Koroliova Valeria | Koroliova Valeria | Koroliova_Valeria | Valeria Koroliova | 0000- 0002- 7482- 0517 |
Golikova Nataliia Serhiivna | associate professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language |
Доцент Associate professor | PhD in Philology | Nataliya_Holikova | Nataliya_Holikova | Nataliya_Holikova | 0000- 0003- 4157- 1275 |
Popova Iryna Stepanivna | Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language Dean |
Professor | PhD in Philology | Iryna_Popova | Iryna Popova | Iryna_Popova | Iryna_Popova | 0000- 0003- 1423- 2358 |
Zaitseva Victoriia Viacheslavivna | associate professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language |
Associate professor | candidate of philological sciences | Victoria_Zaytseva | Victoria_Zaytseva | Victoriya_Zaytseva | 0000- 0002- 2967- 7352 |
Maiboroda Nataliia Hryhorivna | associate professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language |
Associate professor | candidate of philological sciences | Nataliya_Mayboroda | Nataliya_Mayboroda | Nataliya_Mayboroda | 0000- 0002- 2857- 1660 |
Rybalka Yaroslava Ivanivna | associate professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language |
Associate professor | candidate of philological sciences | Yaroslava_Rybalka | Yaroslava_Rybalka | Yaroslava_Rybalka | 0000- 0002- 2525- 0618 |
Samoilenko Valeriia Viktorivna | associate professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language |
PhD in Philosophy | Valeria_Samoylenko | Valeria_Samoylenko | Valeria_Samoylenko | Valeria_Samoylenko | 0000- 0002- 7438- 1294 |
Shevchenko Tetiana Vasylivna | associate professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Language |
Associate professor | candidate of philological sciences | Tetyana_Shevchenko | Tetyana_Shevchenko | Tetyana_Shevchenko | 0000- 0002- 8463- 4195 |
Phone: (056) 374-98-85
E-mail: kafedra_um@i.ua

Faculty of the Department
The head of the Department – Korolova Valeriia Volodymyrivna, PhD in Philology, Professor.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”, “Gender Linguistics”
3 PhD in Philology (doctors of philological sciences), 5 PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), 1 PhD in Philosophy are among the members of the department.
Golikova Nataliia Serhiivna – PhD in Philology, Professor.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian”, “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”, “Sociolinguistics”, “Problems of Modern Grammar as a Science”, “Stylistics and Language Culture”, “Science Background of the School Grammar”.
Popova Iryna Stepanivna - PhD in Philology, Professor, the Dean of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Art.
Discipline taught: “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”.
Zaitseva Victoriia Viacheslavivna - PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Methods of Teaching Ukrainian in Secondary Schools”, “Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research”, “Orthographic Competence of the Teacher”, “The Foundations of the Linguistic Studies”, “Dialectology”.
Maiboroda Nataliia Hryhorivna – PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Discipline taught: “Ukrainian for Professional Purposes”
Rybalka Yaroslava Ivanivna – PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian”, “History of the Ukrainian Language (including Literary)”, “Teaching Technologies of Ukrainian at Schools”, “Historical Lexicology”, “Special Method on Ukrainian Language and Literature”, “Extracurricular Activity in Ukrainian”, “Educational Activities at Ukrainian Lessons”
Samoilenko Valeriia Viktorivna – PhD in Philosophy, associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Ukrainian for Professional Purposes”, “Lexicographer’s Informational and Communicative Activity”
Shevchenko Tetiana Vasylivna – PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”, “Language of Modern Mass Media”, “Language Personality in Modern Culture”, “Ukrainian for Professional Purposes”.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”, “Gender Linguistics”
3 PhD in Philology (doctors of philological sciences), 5 PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), 1 PhD in Philosophy are among the members of the department.
Golikova Nataliia Serhiivna – PhD in Philology, Professor.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian”, “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”, “Sociolinguistics”, “Problems of Modern Grammar as a Science”, “Stylistics and Language Culture”, “Science Background of the School Grammar”.
Popova Iryna Stepanivna - PhD in Philology, Professor, the Dean of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Art.
Discipline taught: “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”.
Zaitseva Victoriia Viacheslavivna - PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Methods of Teaching Ukrainian in Secondary Schools”, “Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research”, “Orthographic Competence of the Teacher”, “The Foundations of the Linguistic Studies”, “Dialectology”.
Maiboroda Nataliia Hryhorivna – PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Discipline taught: “Ukrainian for Professional Purposes”
Rybalka Yaroslava Ivanivna – PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian”, “History of the Ukrainian Language (including Literary)”, “Teaching Technologies of Ukrainian at Schools”, “Historical Lexicology”, “Special Method on Ukrainian Language and Literature”, “Extracurricular Activity in Ukrainian”, “Educational Activities at Ukrainian Lessons”
Samoilenko Valeriia Viktorivna – PhD in Philosophy, associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Ukrainian for Professional Purposes”, “Lexicographer’s Informational and Communicative Activity”
Shevchenko Tetiana Vasylivna – PhD in Philology (candidates of philological sciences), associate professor.
Disciplines taught: “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language”, “Language of Modern Mass Media”, “Language Personality in Modern Culture”, “Ukrainian for Professional Purposes”.
Educational Activity of the Department
The Department of the Ukrainian Language provides training at three levels of higher education:
- The first level (for Bachelor’s Degree) – educational program “The Ukrainian Language and Literature” and “Secondary education: The Ukrainian Language and Literature”;
- The second level (for Master’s Degree) – educational program “The Ukrainian Language and Literature”
- The third level (PhD) – educational and science program “Philology”
- The first level (for Bachelor’s Degree) – educational program “The Ukrainian Language and Literature” and “Secondary education: The Ukrainian Language and Literature”;
- The second level (for Master’s Degree) – educational program “The Ukrainian Language and Literature”
- The third level (PhD) – educational and science program “Philology”

Practical classes on Modern Ukrainian Literary Language
You can learn about our specialties firsthand from student Margaryta Hordiievych, who will tell you about philological education, which allows you to learn relevant and promising professions that are in demand in the modern labor market.
Scientific Activity of the Department
The department's scientists study the syntactic structure of the Ukrainian language, the linguistic and expressive means of the literary work of Ukrainian writers, dramaturgical works in the communicative and pragmatic aspect, and analyze the dynamic processes of the semantics of the word development.
The lecturers of the department are members of the specialized academic council of the university D.08.051.05 for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of doctor of philological sciences in the following specialties: 10.02.01 – Ukrainian language, 10.02.02 – Russian language.
Scientists of the department carry out research within the framework of the fundamental scientific topic "Lexical and grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language: structure, semantics, dynamics".
The most important research results were published in the following monographs: Mykhnenko O. A., Popova I. S. "Written information carriers of the modern city (structural and functional parameters)" (2019); Golikova N. S., Zaitseva V. V., Kovalchuk M. S., Korolova V. V., Samoilenko V. V., Shevchenko T. V. "Discursive aspects of linguistic research" (2020); Hurko O. V., Popova I. S. "Linguistic interpretation of graphic design terms: history and present" (2021).
Students also take an active part in scientific work, participating in all-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions, where they become prize-winners and laureates. They publish their scientific achievements in the university anthologies "Youth Seeks to Understand the Word" and "Philological Sciences".
The scientific schools "Linguistic Studies" and "Philologist" work at the department.
Scientists of the department carry out research within the framework of the fundamental scientific topic "Lexical and grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language: structure, semantics, dynamics".
The most important research results were published in the following monographs: Mykhnenko O. A., Popova I. S. "Written information carriers of the modern city (structural and functional parameters)" (2019); Golikova N. S., Zaitseva V. V., Kovalchuk M. S., Korolova V. V., Samoilenko V. V., Shevchenko T. V. "Discursive aspects of linguistic research" (2020); Hurko O. V., Popova I. S. "Linguistic interpretation of graphic design terms: history and present" (2021).
Students also take an active part in scientific work, participating in all-Ukrainian Olympiads and competitions, where they become prize-winners and laureates. They publish their scientific achievements in the university anthologies "Youth Seeks to Understand the Word" and "Philological Sciences".
The scientific schools "Linguistic Studies" and "Philologist" work at the department.

Students’ Achievements
Students’ Life
Student life is varied and full of activities: Ukrainian philologists realize their talents in various competitions, demonstrate leadership qualities in student self-government bodies. Students participate in the organization of Freshman's Day, Faculty Day, Mother Language Day, Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, organize charity events, fairs, flash mobs, visit museums and theaters.

We strive to develop not only professional, but also creative and leadership abilities of modern youth, its national, patriotic and aesthetic upbringing.