Historiography, Knowledge of Sources and Knowledge of Archives Chair
A chief of the chair is Zhurba Oleg Ivanovych. He is a doctor of historical science, a professor.Telephone: 374-98-62.
An educational process is provided by 4 professors, doctors of historical science, 6 docents, candidates of historical science, 2 senior teachers.
The main directions of scientific researches:
- History of Ukrainian historical science;
- Knowledge of sources of Ukrainian history;
- History of a public thought;
- Archeology of Ukraine;
- Ethnography of Ukraine;
- Historical information science;
- Kliometrics.
Structural subsections of the chair are educational camera laboratory, computer class, archeological museum, ethnographical cabinet, scientific-research laboratory of Prydniprovs’kyi region archeology, scientific-research laboratory of historical researches computer technologies.