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Department of English Philology

Address: 72, Nauky Ave., Building 1, Room 1001, Dnipro
Phone: + 38 (056) 374-98-73
E-mail: kafedra_uaf@i.ua
Facebook: Кафедра англійської філології ДНУ ім. Олеся Гончара

The Department was founded in 1972.

Head of the Department – Anisimova Alla Ihorivna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Teaching Staff

The Department staff includes 18 lecturers, among them: 13 Professor Assistants, PhD (Philology), 2 Senior lecturers, 4 lecturers.


Name Position Scientific Degree Academic Status Google Scholar Scopus Author ID Web of Science Researcher ID Researchgate ID ORCID ID
Anisimova Alla Ihorivna Head of the Department, Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Алла Анисимова   Алла Анисимова Alla_Anisimova3 0000-0003-1593-2137
Bezrodnykh Iryna Hennadiivna  Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor  https://scholar.google.
Budilova Oleksandra Volodymyrivna  Assistant Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Александра Будилова   Alexandra Budilova Alexandra_Budilova 0000-0002-5143-1375
Volkova Maryna Yuriivna  Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Марина Волкова   Marina Volkova Maryna_Volkova 0000-0003-1038-7870
Honsales-Munis Svitlana Yuriivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Svitlana Honsalies-Munis   Svitlana Honsalies-Munis Svitlana_Honsalies-Munis 0000-0001-7059-3962
Konopelkina Olena Oleksiivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Konopelkina Helen   Helen Konopelkina Helen_Konopelkina   0000-0002-7368-9596
Lysenko Nataliia Oleksandrivna Associate Professor
of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Лисенко
Наталія Олександрівна
  Nataliia A Lysenko Nataliia_Lysenko3 0000-0002-0171-6209
Repp Lina Viktorivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Doctor of Philosophy   Репп Ліна Вікторівна        
Safonova Nataliia Anatoliivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Safonova Nataliia   Nataliia A. Safonova Nataliia_Safonova 0000-0002-5980-4658
Semeshko Nina Mykhailivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Нина Семешко   Нина Семешко Nina_Semeshko 0000-0003-2826-0392
Shyshkina Iryna Vasylivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Шишкіна
Ірина Василівна,
Shyshkina Iryna
  Irina Shyshkina Irina_Shyshkina 0000-0003-0027-4020
Yashkina Viktoriia Volodymyrivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Candidate of Philological Sciences Associate Professor Вікторія Яшкіна   Виктория Яшкина Viktoria_Yashkina 0000-0003-0570-8772
Dobrushyna Maria Yuriivna Associate Professor of the Department
of English Philology
Doctor of Philosophy   Добрушина
Марія Юріївна
  Mariia Dobrushyna Mariia_Dobrushyna 0000-0001-8799-990X
Aksiutina Tetiana Volodymyrivna Senior Lecturer of the Department
of English Philology
Тетяна Володимирівна
aksyut@dnu.dp.ua   C-9694-2016 Tatiana_Aksiutina 0000-0002-6866-583X
Bilova Alla Hryhoriivna Senior Lecturer of the Department
of English Philology
    Алла Белова   Alla Bilova Alla_Belova 0000-0001-5335-8880
Vovkodav Oksana Yuriivna Lecturer of the Department
of English Philology
Оксана Юріївна
  Оксана Вовкодав Oksana-Vovkodav 0000-0003-1540-3614
Koroleva Larysa Viktorivna Lecturer of the Department
of English Philology
    Лариса Корольова   Larisa Koroliova Larisa_Koroliova 0000-0002-1517-9723


Educational and Teaching Activities

As a graduating department, the Department of English Philology offers full-time and part-time courses including Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes at the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Studies of Art, training courses for teachers’ professional development at the Postgraduate Education Faculty, and PhD course in Philology (mainly in Germanic languages).

The Department of English Philology offers Bachelor’s study programmes in:

- 014 Secondary education: English language and literature

- 035.041 English and other Western European languages and literature

The Department of English Philology provides training to gain Master’s degree in:

- 035.041 English and other Western European languages and literature

Subjects List:

English as a Major Foreign Language

Stylistics and Culture of the Major Foreign Language

Lexicology of the Major Foreign Language

Fundamentals of Linguistic Research

English as a Second Foreign Language with Translation Practice

Linguistic and Country Studies

English as a Foreign Language (introductory course in phonetics and grammar)

Foreign Language for Professional Communication

Historical and Theoretical Aspect of Grammar of the Major Foreign Language

Informative and Communication Activities of a Foreign Language Teacher

Methods of Teaching Major Foreign Language (English) in Secondary Schools

Contemporary Issues of Lexicology and Stylistics of English as a Major Foreign Language

Theory and Practice of Translation

Elective Сourses:

English (level B1)

English (level B2)

English (level C1)

American English (level C2)


Theory of Intercultural Communication and Topical Issues of Linguistics of the native, major and second foreign languages

Modern World Englishes

Spoken English (level C2)

The major achievements of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University are the development of Multilingual Education discipline for Master students of the English Philology Depatment (approved at the DNU Academic Council meeting on 09.06.2016, Order № 13), the provision of educational materials on multiligualism and multicultural communication (translated), among which the most important place belongs to a landmark book Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism by C. Baker (5th edition), and the creation of a properly-equipped multilingual laboratory (building 1, room 1005).

Lecturers of the English Philology Department pay special attention to ensuring that all the parts of the curriculum fully comply with the student-centred approach, consider the principles of the students’ academic freedom and are aimed at following the strategies of academic integrity and developing general scientific, linguistic, translation, social, methodological competencies by undergraduates and postgraduates at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.

Scientific Activity of the Department

Since its inception the English Philology Department  has carried out multidisciplinary research in English and English-language communication that corresponds to the linguistic paradigm and the trends in the development of world linguistics: research in structural linguistics, functional and semantic grammar, pragmatics, semantics, nominal theory, history of the English language, rhetoric, poetics, cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis, intercultural communication and cultural approach to language teaching. The research findings of the Department members are printed in the scientific journal “Anglistika and Americanistika,” which has been published since 2004, and are discussed at the annual All-Ukrainian conferences "Topical Issues of Philological Science and Pedagogical Practice". In 2022, the 10th All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference was held, which was attended by scholars from the USA, France, and others.

The English Philology Department lecturers publish articles in Scopus and Web of Science periodicals.

The staff of the Department do their best to improve the quality of students’ training. Associate Professors offer a wide range of research topics for writing master’s and bachelor’s course papers as well as for PhD dissertations, the relevance of which is due to the general trends in the development of modern linguistics, which gravitates to multidimensional study of language in conjunction with consciousness, imagination, intuition, societal influence and culture, their cognitive and epistemological functions in the process of human speech activity. Qualification and course work is carried out in line with the cognitive and discursive-pragmatic directions of Germanic philology.

Every year in March and April students speak with scientific reports on the issues of their research papers at the final scientific and practical conference, and submit abstracts, which are published in the collection of materials of the scientific conference for teachers and students of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Studies of Art of Oles Honchar Dnipro University “Philological Sciences”.  The conference covers a wide range of issues in the field of philology, in particular, in the areas of linguistics, literary and translation studies, and language teaching methods.

In 2002 educational laboratory of modern technologies of foreign languages education was created, which together with the English department collaborates with different educational institutions that are interested in preparation and further training of the English language teachers.

The Department has student scientific clubs “Actual Problems of Lexicology” (headed by Associate Professor Anisimova A.I., lecturer Dobrushyna M.Y.), “Topical Issues of Grammar and Stylistics” (headed by Associate Professor Volkova M.Y., Associate Professor Bezrodnykh I.G.), “Topical Issues of Stylistic Analysis of English Prose and Poetry. Problems of Studying the Individual Style of Artistic Speech” (headed by Associate Professor Semeshko N.M., Associate Professor Yashkina V.V.), “Modern Treands in Teaching English in Secondary School” as well as problem groups “Digitalization and Gamification of the Foreign Language Teaching Process” (supervisor - Associate Professor Safonova N.A., Associate Professor Repp L.V.).

Research and Assistantship Practical Training

Master’s students of the English Philology Department do research assistantship on a regular basis. During the practical training graduates carry out educational and research work, get acquainted with the department’s academic papers, curriculum and syllabuses, methodological recommendations for teaching English. With the help of their supervisors and the head of the research assistantship, master’s students draw up individual plans for the assistantship, which are approved at a Department meeting.

International Cooperation

The English Philology Department staff improve their skills on a daily basis, participate in international internships, attend various courses, trainings and webinars.

In 2012 the Department of English Philology took part in the international project Tempus IV “Development and Introduction of Multilingual Teacher Education Programs at Universities of Georgia and Ukraine” and is working over it with other HEIs of Ukraine, Georgia, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania.

On 6-9 September 2016, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a closing conference as part of the Tempus Program of the European Union called Development and Implementation of Multilingual Teacher Training Curricula at Universities of Georgia and Ukraine (530360-TEMPUS-14-2012-GE- TEMPUS JPCR). The major goals of the conference were project outputs presentation and experience exchange. The goals have been achieved.

The conference was attended by Oles Honchar Dnipro National University representatives, including the President, Nikolay Polyakov, the Vice-President on International Academic and Educational Partnership, Professor M.P. Dyachenko, the Dean of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study of Art, Professor I. S. Popova, Head of the English Philology Department, A.I. Anisimova, Head of the Ukrainian Literature Department, N.P. Oliynyk, and English Philology Department associate professors, N.A. Safonova and L.A. Glukhova.

Since 2018 the Department of English Philology has been cooperating with Michel de Montaigne University of Bordeaux III located in Pessac (Bordeaux district). Students of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Studies of Art of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University take a yearly university course under the EU academic mobility program Erasmus+. In 2023/24, students Elvira Sennyk and Vladyslava Kravchenko are doing their Master’s course at the University of Bordeaux.

Since November 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology Nataliia Safonova has been participating in the Access Scholarship Program from the Regional Office for English Language Learning at the US Embassy in Ukraine. This is a 2-year program for undergraduate students, which aims to improve English communication skills and develop cultural knowledge of US history. The program is attended by twenty students from the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Studies of Art.

As part of the project, 15 out of 30 participants visited New York City (New York, USA) at the end of the academic year. During their trip to the United States, they took a course on methods of EFL teaching at the City University of New York/CUNI, New York University/NYU, and Columbia University. They attended classes at the elementary Children’s Workshop School, Lafayette Academy, and Manhattan Academy for Arts and Language in New York City.

The project is the result of collaboration between the Center for Professional Learning, which is part of the non-governmental organization International Childhood Education (Washington, D.C.), and Hunter College of City University of New York. It aims to enrich EFL teaching methods and practices in Ukraine and focus on the vital link between mental health and psychological support, which is achieved through social-emotional learning.

Choose to study at the English Philology Department and you’ll be investing in an education that will help you build a successful future.

You will experience the very best in studying and research. Through our hands-on and innovative approach, we’ll equip you with the skills, insights and perspective to enhance your employability and career prospects.