Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Phone: +38 (056) 760-84-29; +38 (066) 291-75-31The Head of the Department is Kositsyna Olena, Ph. D, Assoc.
Professor of the Department:
Dr. chem. sci., Professor Vishnikin Andriy
Assistant professors:
Ph. D., Assoc. Podzharsky Mikhail; Ph. D., Assoc. Sydorova Larysa; Ph. D., Assoc. Matorina Katerina; Ph. D., Assoc. Zhuk Larisa.
The Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Technology provides training at the first (bachelor's) degree of higher education in educational programs:
102 Chemical analysis and examination of materials and products
161 Chemical Technology and Engineering
at the second (master's) degree of higher education in the following educational programs:
102 Chemistry
161 Chemical technology and engineering
for the third (Doctor of Philosophy) degree of higher education in the educational program:
102 Chemistry
The educational process is provided by 6 teachers: 1 professor, Doctor of Science, 5 associate professors, PhDs using content developed on the basis of modern science and technology and the results of their own research:

in modern equipped laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry:

in leading research centers:

Graduates of the Department of Analytical Chemistry - Head of the laboratory "Dinprodpromtest", testing laboratory of the supermarket chain "ATB" Karmazina Liudmyla Volodymyrivna with her staff
at universities in European countries:

Student Arina Skok (middle) in the laboratory of Prof. Antsemidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
using modern laboratory equipment and devices:

A device for flow-injection analysis
and models of industrial equipment made with the participation of students:

The training programs provide for the training of specialists:
- for production facilities for the manufacture of special-purpose materials based on high molecular weight compounds and other chemical equipment production, enterprises for processing plant and animal raw materials, food production;
- for food quality control laboratories, environmental control, forensic laboratories, control and analytical laboratories of chemical, metallurgical, coal and other industries, agriculture;
- for enterprises for the extraction and processing of precious metals;
Graduates of the department are highly sought-after specialists.
All nonresident students live in a well-maintained block-type dormitory located next to the academic building. To organize students' leisure time, there is a wide range of sports clubs, circles and studios of various creative directions.
The department has created an atmosphere conducive to combining persistent knowledge acquisition with creative leisure.
Scientific directions of the department
- development of methods of synthesis and technologies for the production of special-purpose polymer compositions based on compounds from synthetic and natural raw materials;
- instrumental (spectrophotometric, atomic absorption, electrochemical) methods of analysis; modern methods of microextraction and solid-phase sorption; automatic flow methods of analysis; analytical chemistry of heteropolycomplexes, polyelectrolytes, platinum group metals using new organic reagents; test methods; analysis of biomedical objects, waters, soils, food, environmental objects, pharmaceuticals.
The department trains highly qualified personnel (Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science). Over the past 8 years, he has defended 1 doctoral and 7 PhD theses. In 2007, a Jordanian citizen, Mohammed Al-Shwayat, defended his PhD thesis. In 2018, citizens of Algeria Aimad-Eddine Tamen and Mehieddin Hejazi were enrolled in graduate school.
The staff of the department actively participates in research on state budget topics and involves students in research. During 2014-2022, more than 20 articles were published in co-authorship with students and postgraduate students of the Department in leading scientific journals: Analytical Chemistry, Talanta, Microchemical Journal, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Journal of Chemistry and Technologies.
International activity
Employees, students and postgraduate students of the Department undergo scientific internships and study at European universities, including Lund University (Sweden), Charles University (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic), Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece). The cooperation with P. J. Šafárik University (Kosice, Slovakia) is particularly fruitful, where teachers, students and postgraduate students of the Department study and conduct research every year.
Over the past 10 years, students and postgraduate students of the Department have received 10 grants from the Visegrad Fund for research and training in the Visegrad countries (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary).
Alina Duzheva, a graduate of the department, completed her postgraduate studies at the P.J. Šafárik University (Košice, Slovakia), defended her dissertation and got a job at the University of Prague, Czech Republic.
During her studies, Arina Skok, a student of the department, received 4 Erasmus+ grants to study for a semester at Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece), Middle East Technical University in Ankara (Turkey), Mehmetbay University in Karaman (Turkey), in Košice, Slovakia, and at P. J. Šafárik University. In 2021, she entered the PhD program at P. J. Šafárik University.
- for production facilities for the manufacture of special-purpose materials based on high molecular weight compounds and other chemical equipment production, enterprises for processing plant and animal raw materials, food production;
- for food quality control laboratories, environmental control, forensic laboratories, control and analytical laboratories of chemical, metallurgical, coal and other industries, agriculture;
- for enterprises for the extraction and processing of precious metals;
Graduates of the department are highly sought-after specialists.
All nonresident students live in a well-maintained block-type dormitory located next to the academic building. To organize students' leisure time, there is a wide range of sports clubs, circles and studios of various creative directions.
The department has created an atmosphere conducive to combining persistent knowledge acquisition with creative leisure.
Scientific directions of the department
- development of methods of synthesis and technologies for the production of special-purpose polymer compositions based on compounds from synthetic and natural raw materials;
- instrumental (spectrophotometric, atomic absorption, electrochemical) methods of analysis; modern methods of microextraction and solid-phase sorption; automatic flow methods of analysis; analytical chemistry of heteropolycomplexes, polyelectrolytes, platinum group metals using new organic reagents; test methods; analysis of biomedical objects, waters, soils, food, environmental objects, pharmaceuticals.
The department trains highly qualified personnel (Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science). Over the past 8 years, he has defended 1 doctoral and 7 PhD theses. In 2007, a Jordanian citizen, Mohammed Al-Shwayat, defended his PhD thesis. In 2018, citizens of Algeria Aimad-Eddine Tamen and Mehieddin Hejazi were enrolled in graduate school.
The staff of the department actively participates in research on state budget topics and involves students in research. During 2014-2022, more than 20 articles were published in co-authorship with students and postgraduate students of the Department in leading scientific journals: Analytical Chemistry, Talanta, Microchemical Journal, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Journal of Chemistry and Technologies.
International activity
Employees, students and postgraduate students of the Department undergo scientific internships and study at European universities, including Lund University (Sweden), Charles University (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic), Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece). The cooperation with P. J. Šafárik University (Kosice, Slovakia) is particularly fruitful, where teachers, students and postgraduate students of the Department study and conduct research every year.
Over the past 10 years, students and postgraduate students of the Department have received 10 grants from the Visegrad Fund for research and training in the Visegrad countries (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary).
Alina Duzheva, a graduate of the department, completed her postgraduate studies at the P.J. Šafárik University (Košice, Slovakia), defended her dissertation and got a job at the University of Prague, Czech Republic.
During her studies, Arina Skok, a student of the department, received 4 Erasmus+ grants to study for a semester at Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece), Middle East Technical University in Ankara (Turkey), Mehmetbay University in Karaman (Turkey), in Košice, Slovakia, and at P. J. Šafárik University. In 2021, she entered the PhD program at P. J. Šafárik University.