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Department of Marketing

Department of Marketing

Phone: +38 (056) 744-86-68

The Head of Department is Khaminich Svitlana Yuriivna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

The Department of Marketing was created in 2004, then the Doctor of Economics, professor Sazonets Igor Leonidovych was the head of department.

Since 2005 the Department has been headed by doctor of economic sciences, professor Khaminich Svitlana Yuriivna.

The department has 8 teachers, including 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 2 assistants.

The Department conducts scientific researches which concern a wide range of the current problems. Among such topics: competitiveness of national economy on the principles of educational potential, topical issues of development of innovative marketing in Ukraine, development of methodology of forming of marketing strategy of the enterprises of the industry, implementation of innovative, scientific and educational potentials at the different levels of economy of Ukraine, knowledge-based economy, the innovative mechanism of marketing, logistic marketing.

The scientific researches that are conducted at the Department of Marketing, concern such public budget themes: “Forming of the innovative mechanism of creation of national economy”, “Marketing researches: tools and technologies”, “Marketing communication ensuring introduction of systems of power supply on the basis of use of alternative energy sources in Ukraine”. At Department of Marketing are Magistracy and Postgraduate Study.

Specialists of Marketing Department write a lot of scientific and methodical literature, in particular:
– Хамініч С.Ю., Кононова О. О., Півоварова О. Б., Марковська І. О. Екологічний маркетинг. – Навчальний посібник. – Д.: Герда, 2015. – 164 с.
– Хамініч С.Ю., Кононова О.О., Матвієць М.В. Маркетинговий менеджмент. Навчальний посібник. – Д. : Вид-во Маковецький Ю.В., 2011. – 192 с.
– Інноваційний поступ України в економічному просторі. Монографія / За заг. ред. С.Ю. Хамініч. – Д.: Видавництво Маковецький. – 2011. – 360 с.
– Філософія маркетингу: інтеграція теорії та практики. Монографія / Зазаг. ред. С.Ю. Хамініч. – Д.: Видавництво «Наука і освіта», 2010. – 272 с.
– Хамініч С.Ю., Андріяшина О.В., Марковський О.В. Менеджмент персоналу. Навч. посібник. – Д.: Видавництво «Наука і освіта», 2010. – 348 с.
– Хамініч С.Ю. Маркетингова товарна політика. Навч. посібник. – Д.: Видавництво «Наука і освіта», 2008. – 200 с. (з грифом МОНУ).
– Смирнов С.О., Хамініч С.Ю., Єлісєєва О.К. Маркетинг бізнес-взаємодії. Навч. посібник. – Дніпропетровськ: Видавництво «Наука і освіта», 2008. – 200 с. (з грифом МОНУ).
– Хамініч С.Ю., Касян С.Я., Зайцева М.М. Маркетингова цінова політика: Навчальний посібник. – Д. : Наука і освіта, 2008. – 263 с.

Nowadays the Department of Marketing is the center of managerial innovations in educational process of the Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University as it combines the knowledge of experienced teachers, scientists and energy and creativity of thinking of young researchers. Educational work with students at of Marketing Department is based on the principles of honor, dignity and humanity.

Students of Marketing Department constantly take part in the international academic exchange programs within the existing agreements on cooperation with University of Lodz (Lodz, Poland), University of Wrocław (Wrocław, Poland); Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poznan, Poland); Сraсow University of Economics (Cracow, Poland), University “Prof.D-r Asen Zlatarov” (Burgas, Bulgaria).

Students-Marketers of the Faculty of Economics of Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University regularly participate in the Ukrainian student festivals of advertising, the All-Ukrainian Contests on marketing, tenders of scientific works where they win prizes. Participation in such festivals gives the chance to future marketing specialists to improve the skills and competences during the solution of professional advertising tasks according to modern market trends.

The Marketing Department makes a contribution to the economic development of the Dnipropetrovsk Region and trains the leading experts in the sphere of marketing and advertising who have the powerful creative potential, inquisitiveness, creative thinking and deeply understand essence of market processes in the state and the world.

Graduates of Marketing Department work as the leading specialists at many enterprises, commodity exchanges, advertising agencies, exhibitions, fairs, marketing agencies.